Ransomware Impact Analysis
Attackers are sidestepping traditional defenses. A new approach is needed.
Ransomware costs organizations more than $70 billion per year
With an attack occurring every 15 to 20 seconds.
3 out of 4 victims had up-to-date endpoint protection when they were infected.
The RIA includes:
Interviews with key personnel and management to understand your organization’s critical data and systems
Review preventive security controls that can reduce the likelihood of ransomware, such as strong authentication
mechanisms and phishing training and awareness
Run multiple live-fire ransomware simulations of defined network segments
Provide a report with actionable recommendations to help your team reduce ransomware risk and strengthen your
overall security posture.
Provide policy and strategy recommendations to limit the business impact if you do experience a ransomware attack
Reduce your organization’s ransomware attack surface
Recognize operational deficiencies in the management of ransomware-related risks